The MetaCX Blog

Thought leadership, company news, and practical advice.

RevRev Ep. 9 – Mike Weir

Understanding your organization’s purpose, seeking to understand the career goals of your team members, and taking leaps of faith to advance your career. In this episode of Revenue Revolutionaries, I sit down with G2 CRO, Mike Weir, to discuss all of these topics and more.

This is Why Customer Success Platforms Have it All Wrong

The rise of customer success as a specialized function is undoubtedly the correct response to the challenges specific to any recurring revenue business. But are companies doing enough to head off churn and unlock expansion revenue with existing customers?

RevRev Ep. 8 – Jim Thoeni

It started with a moose. I’m not talking about Clark Griswold in National Lampoon’s Vacation; I’m talking about Zeotap CRO, Jim Thoeni’s, path to becoming a revolutionary sales leader. Born with a desire to help people, Jim Theoni has been serving others since grade school.

On Innovation: Reflecting on the Legacy of Tony Hsieh

Over the weekend, I heard the very sad news about Tony Hsieh, the founder and former CEO of Zappos, who died tragically and unexpectedly. I’ve always admired Hsieh. He was an iconoclast and an original, someone who didn’t let conventional thinking cloud his impressively fertile imagination and inimitable style.

Introducing Co.Lab: A Starting Point for B2B Customer Lifecycle Innovation and Transformation

Today, MetaCX and Valuize Consulting are announcing Co.Lab, a joint innovation offering that provides a strategic blueprint, an implementation roadmap, and working prototype of the future-state B2B customer lifecycle.

RevRev Ep. 7 – Helen Baptist

Helen Baptist, COO at PathFactory, joins me for this episode of Revenue Revolutionaries. Recently recognized as a Top 50 female leader in SaaS, Helen is a strong leader that shared too many insights to count.

Three Things for Businesses to Be Thankful for in 2020

2020 has been a year that no one will soon forget. We’ve somehow weathered through wildfires, COVID-19, economic instability, and racial injustice. All in all, has this year been terrible, hectic, and emotionally draining? Yes, of course it has. But sometimes good things can come from bad circumstances.

RevRev Ep. 6 – Joe Kuntz

Joe Kuntz, CRO at Jobvite, joined me for this week’s episode of Revenue Revolutionaries to discuss how he thinks about coaching team members and customers, what it takes to sustain a great culture over time, the key to finding balance as a CRO, and the power of embracing servant leadership.

Five Ways to Keep Your Prospects Engaged During the Holiday Slump

‘Tis the season of stalled sales cycles and distracted buyers. How do you keep your prospects engaged this time of year? That’s sometimes easier said than done… but MetaCX is here to share a few tips.



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