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Value Use Cases

All companies aim to create more value to be competitive, but value can take on many forms. MetaCX helps organizations optimize the creation of both commercial and social value.


Commercial Value

Connect with organizations both upstream and downstream in your value chain to align on expected outcomes and measure value delivery over time.

Vendor Value Realization


Many companies spend a large percentage of their operating budgets on third party products and services without proof of performance.


MetaCX enables you to create accountability with your vendors and monitor whether or not you are receiving the value promised.

Customer Value Delivery


Without a way to define and measure the value you’re providing, the long term viability of each customer partnership is perpetually at risk.


MetaCX gives you the opportunity to put value at the center of the customer experience and continuously prove value delivery.

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Social Value

Connect with organizations with the intent to collectively achieve specific environmental, social, and governance outcomes that serve a greater purpose than revenue performance.

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance


The pressure on ESG teams to prove the ROI of their programs and demonstrate long-term value creation for all stakeholders is stronger than ever before.


MetaCX gives you a framework for data-driven, outcomes-based results that ultimately further core environmental and social goals.

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Request Demo

Our value use cases can be applied across many industries to align organizations on the shared expectations that sit at the center of business relationships. Learn more by requesting a demo.

MetaCX MetaBoom


830 Massachusetts Ave. Ste 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204