The New North Star

An ebook by Salesforce and MetaCX that advances the argument that experiences matter, but only insofar as they help the buyer achieve their desired outcome.

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Experience is the Method, Outcomes are the Goal

Over the past decade, the business world has been enthralled with experiences. We’ve created new executive positions focused on the customer experience, implemented new experience measures, and reorganized our companies to become experience-centered organizations.

While there is merit to this quest, there is a new theory showing that “experience” may not be the point. The new theory suggests that experiences are simply the method; customer outcomes are the goal. When organizations shift their mindset from experiences to outcomes, they are able to accelerate sales cycles, help customers achieve value faster, and retain customers longer.

Brand new research conducted by Salesforce found that outcomes have become the new north star for progressive businesses, replacing experiences. A quote from Aaron Thompson, General Operating Partner, SuccessHACKER, sums up the idea: “We see happy customers leave all the time, and unhappy ones stay. The difference is the outcomes they receive.”

It is for this very reason that we must rethink the role of experiences—specifically, from the perspective of delivering and proving outcomes for the customer. Learn more by downloading the ebook today!

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