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The Transformative Platform Healthcare Has Been Waiting For

A New Way to Partner

MetaCX is a collaborative, data sharing platform designed to bring trust and transparency to complex healthcare partnerships. The platform helps pharmaceuticals, medical device manufacturers, and other industry suppliers prove the value they’re delivering to healthcare providers, systems, and other industry partners through live performance measures directly tied to strategic initiatives.

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Value Alignment

To ensure value alignment, MetaCX provides a co-owned digital space where healthcare partners can come together to define and collaborate on strategic initiatives and desired patient outcomes. The space keeps all parties accountable and focused on the goals, action plans, and evaluation measures necessary to unlock shared success.

Proof of Performance

To track performance against these initiatives, MetaCX captures multidirectional data. By instrumenting any application, system, or digital endpoint in MetaCX’s neutral platform, partnering healthcare entities can turn minor data points into dynamic metrics that monitor outcome achievement and prove value delivery.

Data Neutrality

By providing a neutral space for two or more organizations to share and analyze performance data, MetaCX eliminates sensitivity to data access and control. Partnering healthcare organizations are able to freely share information with one another on a platform with strong cybersecurity and privacy controls.

Request a Demo

Ready to get started? Request a demo to learn how MetaCX is transforming how value is defined, managed, and realized in the healthcare industry.

MetaCX MetaBoom


830 Massachusetts Ave. Ste 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204